Monday 21 January 2013

Japan, where style meets traditions!

Japan, the land of rising sun, is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, in the east Asia it rules the roost and regarded as most powerful weapon. The saga of Japan’s advancement entrenched long time ago, the country is rich in every aspect of modern day living. In the 21st century, Japan has touched the pinnacle of success in every aspect. 

 Japan holds the warmth in its lap 

It’s the hospitality in Japan that attracts sea of tourists to the country every year. No other place on the earth welcomes the tourists from around the world with such warmth but Japan and that makes it one of the sizzling holiday destinations. The country is a typical paradigm to showcase traditional values meeting modern aspect of day-today life. 

 Japan’s culture and traditinal value make it second to none tourists hot spot 

Blessed with exotic and scenic beauties, the country is also rich in cultural and historical heritages. Transportation in the country tells the tale of modern day inventions in technology sphere. Plush airports and bullet trains depict the affluence of modern day Japan. The talk of Japan, where traditional customs meet contemporary coolness remain unfinished without mentioning the famous Geisha, Japanese music, Japanses language and sizzling Harajuku girls, among others. 

 The Geisha, a form of artists-entertainers 

The Geisha, from the medieval Japan to the country in 21st centurry, these artists have been entertaining the cliche society of Japan. Once quite popular, Geisha are dwindling in their numbers in modern times but the impression and reputation is at large to be forgotten. The beautiful girls form the Geisha community to entertain the masses through the traditional forms of dance moves. 

 Harakuju girls are the perfect fashion ambassador of Japan 

The Harajuku girls are the modern day face of Japanese fashion, primarily women and teenaged girls from the Tokyo form the Harajuku community. The street fashion from major cities of Japan is known worldwide and these girls are the perfect ambassadors for fashion in Japan. The fashion senses of Harajuku girls ensemble various styles as such Gothic Lolita, Decora, Kogal, Ganguro, Wamono, Second-hand fashion and Cyber fashion. 

 Japanese cuisine raises the bon appetit 

Japanese cuisine is an attrcation throughout the world, there are people who just swear by the aroma of Japanese foods. The bon appetit of Japanese are known best for the quality and varieties of their cuisine culture. Restaurants serving custom foods are ubiquitous on the streets of major cities in Japan. Even the suburbs are rich when it comes about having quality food in up-scale restaurants. 

A few high fly tourists hot-spots 

 The tourists hot-spots in Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Osaka and Kyoto have magnetic effects in bringing travellers from around the world. These destinations alone pull out great chunk of foreign tourists. 

 Blessed with rich historical monuments 

When visiting Japan do not miss viewing the opulence of world heritage sites, they are in large numbers. Japanese castles, temples, gardens, shrines, etc. are the eye-catching tourist destinations. For the adventurous travellers, Japan promises large number of activities that simply amaze you. 

To know Japanese life style, likes and dislikes of its pupil, etiquettes and mannerisms, visitng some of the websites before you are headed to the destination, would suffice your inquisitiveness.

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